Resources & Supports

The move from one’s home country to a new career in a Canadian community is a long and difficult journey with many challenges. We provide assessment services, educational programs and workplace support for nurses educated outside of Canada. We also offer help with preparing for the national licensing exam.

We do not provide assistance with immigration, employment, housing or finances as we are not experts in these areas. The organizations described below address these areas through services such as settlement advice, financial supports and job opportunities.

Nursing Registration

In addition to starting your immigration application, it is important that you begin the application for nursing registration in the province in which you wish to live and work. As both of these processes can take some time, we advise to begin as early as possible. The following website has lots of useful information about the nursing regulatory bodies and the registration process in Nova Scotia.


The following websites provide immigration information for nurses wishing to live and work in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. The process of immigration can be lengthy, sometimes taking up to 2 years to receive permanent residency.


Nova Scotia:

Financial Support

To be eligible for financial support one must have permanent residency status. 
Internationally educated nurses may be eligible for financial support through bursaries or loan programs. For example, in Nova Scotia, the Immigration Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) can help IENs to apply for affordable loans through the Royal Bank of Canada to help support them with assessment and bridging fees. For more information please visit their website and make an appointment with an employment counselor. 

Internationally Educated Nurses from anywhere in Canada are eligible to apply for a scholarship entitled, The Royal Bank of Canada Diversity Fund. This scholarship can help to pay for bridging courses. Click here for more details.

Windmill Microlending is a Canadian charity that provides low interest loans for skilled immigrants and refugees who require further licensing or training to work in their field in Canada. If you are an internationally educated nurse and wish to take our RN Bridging/Re-entry program, you may wish to apply for a loan from Windmill Microlending to fund your training at the Learning Institute. 

Community Integration

Nova Scotia is a beautiful province with picturesque rural villages and bustling urban centres. For newcomers, successful community integration depends on how well a community meets each family's needs. Immigrant settlement agencies can help by providing information about housing, banking, schools, taxes and much, much more!

Nova Scotia

Finding a Job

If one has successfully met all of the requirements of the nursing regulatory body they are eligible for a temporary license to practice as a Registered Nurse, and once they pass the National Council Licensure Examination they are able to become fully licensed. Sometimes it takes some time to meet the education requirements; some may need to work while completing bridging courses. Often internationally educated nurses work as a continuing care assistant or personal care worker during this time period. The following websites may help in finding employment in Nova Scotia.

Communication for Nurses

The Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) is offering a free online course called "Communication for Nurses" designed to assist internationally trained nurses in enhancing their communication skills in Canada and passing the Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN).

This free resources may be of interest to learners in the RN Bridging/Re-Entry Program who feel they could benefit from additional English language supports.

The Nova Scotia Health Learning Institute for Health Care Providers offers education programming designed to meet the needs of learners across the province and strengthen our health care system. We are committed to delivering high-quality, evidence-informed programming that enables providers to develop and maintain foundational and specialty competencies.