Critical Care Nursing Program

Credential Earned

Certificate of Completion


  • Full time: 13 weeks
  • Part time: 35–42 weeks

See Plan of Study details for more information.


Available to learners in Nova Scotia and PEI


  • Independent, online learning with live classroom and simulation sessions
  • In-person skills and simulation sessions in Halifax, New Glasgow, Antigonish, Cape Breton or Yarmouth for Nova Scotia learners, and Charlottetown for PEI learners
  • Clinical placements


Nova Scotia — Full Time

  • Spring: April 22, 2024–July 22, 2024 (Central Zone only)
  • Fall: September 3, 2024–December 1, 2024

Nova Scotia — Part Time

  • Winter: January 8, 2024–October 18, 2024
  • Fall: September 3, 2024–June 20, 2025

Registration Deadlines

Nova Scotia — Full Time

  • Fall: July 26, 2024

Nova Scotia — Part Time

  • Fall: July 19, 2024


The Critical Care Nursing Program (CCNP) prepares Registered Nurses to work in critical care settings. Whether you are new to critical care or very experienced in this environment, the program will stretch your understanding of critical care theoretical concepts and best practice guidelines. By gaining a broader insight into factors that influence safe care and by increasing sensitivity in relation to interprofessional teamwork and patient-centred care, you will become proficient in providing the patient/family with quality care in the critical care setting.


  • Active-practicing RN license with the provincial regulator
  • Nova Scotia learners: Approval from a critical care unit manager to confirm a clinical seat and sponsorship for the program (see Plan of Study details for more information about sponsorship for full- and part-time options)
  • PEI learners: Contact your Health PEI manager and the CCNP/ENP course instructor/coordinator, Janelle Jackson ( for approval to register for the program

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The Nova Scotia Health Learning Institute for Health Care Providers offers education programming designed to meet the needs of learners across the province and strengthen our health care system. We are committed to delivering high-quality, evidence-informed programming that enables providers to develop and maintain foundational and specialty competencies.