Frequently Asked Questions

If you have successfully submitted an electronic registration form, you should receive an automated email generated by the website.

Yes, you should submit more than one registration form. If you wish to transfer your registration to another program, please contact

The part-time study option is designed so learners can study while working. The intensity of the full-time study option requires that learners not work while studying. Please refer to each program information page for more detailed information. 

International nursing graduates are eligible for the Learning Institute’s RN Bridging/Re-Entry Program when they have been referred by the Nova Scotia College of Nursing. Learners in our specialty programs must be licensed in Canada.

Programs are designed to build upon entry level competencies to prepare learners to work in specialty areas. Programming for new graduates generally requires additional support for orientation and transition to the workforce. Learners interested in the Critical Care/Emergency/Perioperative programs should check the program's webpage to verify the minimum amount of recent experience recommended prior to taking the program. Please contact 

Unfortunately your online registration form cannot be edited after it has been submitted. If you would like to update your information, please contact Learning Institute administrative support to update your information at

It is important to remember that registrations are not processed before the registration deadline. The faculty review registrations at that time if all documentation is provided.

Please refer to the website under the ‘What to expect next” section.

You will receive an email confirming your acceptance into the program with detailed instructions of your next steps.

Recommended Web Browsers

  • D2L Brightspace can be accessed using the current versions of the most common web browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge).
  • Please review D2L’s documentation for a detailed list of supported browsers.

System Check

  • D2L Brightspace includes a tool that can check your system to ensure it is compatible with Brightspace.
  • Perform a quick system check.
    This tool will check whether your web browser is officially supported and that you have JavaScript and Cookies enabled in your browser

In the Programs and Courses menu, select the program you are enrolled in and you will see a page listing any required and optional textbooks and where they can be purchased.

The Nova Scotia Health Learning Institute for Health Care Providers offers education programming designed to meet the needs of learners across the province and strengthen our health care system. We are committed to delivering high-quality, evidence-informed programming that enables providers to develop and maintain foundational and specialty competencies.