Plan of Study

The orientation is a blended model of knowledge and skills beginning before entry to practice in the LTC facility and ending approximately 3 months later. Each module takes approximately 3 hours to complete, and the in-person skills day takes 8 hours.


This represents a general timeline for the program. The exact delivery model may vary.

Pre-entry to LTC practice:

  • Module 1: Evidence-Based Standards for LTC Clinical Practice
  • Module 2: Foundational Clinical Practice in LTC
  • Module 3: Polices Affecting Clinical Care
  • Module 4: Ethically Based LTC Practice

1 month after entry to LTC practice:

  • Module 5: Professional Socialization

2 months after entry to LTC practice:

  • Module 6: LTC Practice Preparedness Skills

Within 3 months after entry to LTC practice:

  • LTC Skills Day (in-person within each facility or shared between facilities)

Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes for the course were developed based on a compilation of nursing competencies.


The Nova Scotia Health Learning Institute for Health Care Providers offers education programming designed to meet the needs of learners across the province and strengthen our health care system. We are committed to delivering high-quality, evidence-informed programming that enables providers to develop and maintain foundational and specialty competencies.