Plan of Study

Mental Health and Resilience Course

Length: 7.5 hours

In the Mental Health and Resilience course, participants learn that stress is a natural process that can be controlled through awareness. Participants are introduced to defences, natural and learned, and that while they are intended to be adaptive and protect us against injury and harm, maladaptive defences can lead to illness and suffering. Participants discover the magic of neuroplasticity and that all individuals have the ability, through consistency of practice, to establish new neural pathways in favour of making better choices when under stress. In this paradigm shift, mental illness is not a character flaw; managing our mental well-being takes skill, building resilience is that skill! Finally, participants will be introduced to a tool to locate and assess one's present relationship to stress, manage defences, and mitigate poor mental health outcomes.

Resilience and Mental Fitness course

Length: 7.5 hours

In the Resilience and Mental Fitness course, participants reimagine stress as pressure that when positively engaged, serves as the counterweight and stimulus for growth. Emotional reactions to stress can be positively managed by developing resilience skills with mental exercises designed specifically to help stretch, strengthen, and forge new neural connections. Participants discover how individuals' strengths are unique and different and how insight into one’s tendencies makes it possible to take advantage of the magic of neuroplasticity to rewire the brain and change behaviour. Participants are introduced to the 16 resilience factors, associated with skills or mental activities — exercises that, with practice, serve to increase psychological strength and mental fitness.

The Nova Scotia Health Learning Institute for Health Care Providers offers education programming designed to meet the needs of learners across the province and strengthen our health care system. We are committed to delivering high-quality, evidence-informed programming that enables providers to develop and maintain foundational and specialty competencies.